About HCA


Our Program

  • Students are placed by age into grade-level classrooms (K- Middle School) of 22 students or less.

  • Classes are taught by excellent, creative and certified (currently or previously) teachers.

  • Each week, students cover topics in Science and History/Social Studies (please see Scope and Sequence). Often art is integrated into subjects being covered. We place a special emphasis on cooperative and hands-on learning. We do not test, assess, or assign homework, except in our middle school program, where we have increased accountability.

  • Students also participate in two, half-hour specials: Reader's Theater and PE.

  • Social opportunities are valued as much as academic.

  • HCA hosts a Reader's theater performance, seasonal parties, Field Day and Yearbook Day. Students bring their own lunch and eat in the classroom.

  • Kindergarteners must be 5 years old by September 1st of the school year in which they are enrolling.

  • Parents are primarily given the day "off", however help is always welcome and often needed with special activities such as a picture day, party days, Field Day, etc.


Tuesdays or Wednesdays, 9am to 3pm
Between Labor Day and Memorial Day


11811 State Line Rd
Kansas City, MO 64114



Q1. What curriculum do you follow?

We are loosely based on a classical Christian education model. Please see our scope and sequence for more details. We have no expectation as to what curriculum you choose to follow at home.  For our middle school grades, 7th and 8th, there will be books and other curriculum materials that need to be purchased, and used at home as well. Curriculum at HCA is taught from a Biblical and God's World perspective. We do not have a Bible curriculum, but each teacher includes prayer and devotions as part of their day.

Q2. What subjects are covered in the classroom?

We cover Science and History/Social Studies in the classroom. These subjects allow for great classroom projects and interactive/group learning. They also do not have to be coordinated with what is taught at home or taught in a set sequence. They lend themselves well to unit studies, and other disciplines can be easily incorporated.

Q3. Who are your teachers?

Our teachers are incredible and make the program the success it is. All are teachers by experience and giftedness, love teaching and providing a positive classroom experience. Many homeschooled themselves. Each year your child will experience different teaching styles and personalities, and learn in a different setting.

Q4. How many children are in a classroom?

20 is the maximum number in Kindergarten and Middle School, and 22 is the maximum in all other grades.

Q5. What Specials are offered?

We offer Physical Education (PE) and Reader's Theater (RT). Both classes lend themselves well to group activities, allow movement, cooperation, and interaction, and like our academic subjects, units can be taught in varying order. Each class is 30 minutes in length and typically students have one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Q6. What is reader’s theater?

Reader's Theater is not reading and not theater, though elements of both are involved. The better definition is that RT includes story extensions, reading stories, craft projects, discussing alternative endings and beginnings, speaking in front of their peers, learning basic improv, voice projection, … and once a year performing a short program for parents.

Q7. Have you ever considered Spanish or Art specials?

The quick answer is no. We have considered each but decided we could not do them well:

  • Art (or crafts) is incorporated into so much of what is done in the classroom, but to teach Art weekly in 30 minutes, would not allow much time in the way of set up, instruction, and clean up, let alone doing art.

  • Foreign Language is a very sequential topic, and difficult to learn in any real way in only 30 min. per week.

Q8. Can my 4-yr old enroll in Kindergarten?

No. Our day is so social and interactive that enrolling by age/grade always works best. Starting early does not benefit the child and keeps them the youngest in consecutive years. Many with summer birthdays wait to enroll their child in K after they turn 6 years old.

Q9. What if we are covering a different grade level at home? Do I enroll differently?

No. As mentioned above, our day works best for students enrolled with their peers. We recognize that many of our students are working above grade-level in some areas and below in others. It is a huge benefit of homeschooling to be able to adjust curriculum individually. Our classrooms are geared to accommodate a variety of abilities. We do not test, assess, or assign homework (excepting Middle School) so that the grade-level of work is less of a focus than doing the work together.

Q10. How will I know what is being covered in class?

At our Back-to-School afternoon, or when you enroll, teachers hand out an overview of what will be covered that year. And each week, teachers either email or send home a weekly newsletter telling you specifically what happened in class that day, reminders of student of the week, dates to remember, etc.

Q11. What is required of me (the parent) on this day?

We cannot function without volunteers. Mostly, parents are given the day off, but we need volunteers to help with and organize classroom parties, yearbook, participate in Anonymous Blessings (a wonderful teacher appreciation program), come in for big project days for individual classrooms, and man stations for Field Day. We try to infringe on your day off as little as possible. We are not a co-op, so we do not ask for or need consistent/weekly involvement.


We conduct background checks on all teachers and staff. Our doors are locked other than arrival and dismissal and on days/times we have class parties or performances.

Q13. do you allow tours, shadow days or visiting days?

We are happy to take you and your student on a tour of our program, however, due to high demand we are now scheduling group tours prior to open enrollment. Group tour information is on our homepage at the bottom of the screen.

We do not allow shadow or visiting days.

Once enrolled, we have a Back to School Afternoon (open house format) where your child can meet the teacher, drop off supplies and see the classroom. BTSA takes place the Tuesday or Wednesday prior to the first day of school. Further details will be given once enrolled.


As a program, we can only make limited adjustments to accommodate severe allergies, extreme learning differences, physical disabilities or special requests geared to one individual child or family. We may not be able to accommodate all physical, mental and social differences and disabilities.

If the circumstance is severe enough that your student is not completely independent, enrollment will be considered, but the student may require a parent-provided paraprofessional. Please inquire so we can discuss your need and circumstance.

Q15. do you have a kindergarten roundup or graduation?

As a one-day-a-week program, we do not.